Giving is Fundamental
Activities that feel good tend to be those we repeat, and this has evolutionary roots. Our brains provide a positive hit when we do things good for the health of our species and communities. Generosity fits here, and this is why it's appropriate to feel good about doing good. In fact, a study from the University of Zurich found when people gave generously, they had positive effects in their ventral striatum (a part of the brain associated with feeling happy), and reported greater levels of happiness.
If you've given money to charity or volunteered with an organization - you've probably felt warm and fuzzy. Why is this?
Well, these happy feelings are literally in our biology. In a study done at the National Institutes of Health in 2006, it was found that when people donate money, it "activates certain parts of the brain that are connected to pleasure, social connection and trust, Donation America which create a "warm glow" effect. Some scientists have also said they believe that this selfless behavior releases endorphins in the brain, producing the positive feelings. Some call this the helper's high.
It's good for our health.
Many research initiatives have linked different forms of generosity to better
health, even among the sick and elderly.
Donation America study led by University of California Berkeley professor it was found that
elderly people who volunteered their time with +2 organizations were 44% less
likely to die over a five-year period than were non-volunteers.
Donation America results
were found by professor Stephanie Brown, who learned that individuals who helped
out/gave emotional support to friends and family also had a lower risk of dying
over a five-year period than those who didn't.
So why is this? Well, one reason may be that giving might improve physical
health because it helps decrease stress. A 2006 study, put forth by a Johns
Hopkins University professor and a professor from the University of Tennessee,
found that
Donation America lent a helping hand had lower blood pressure than others,
suggesting a direct health connection between giving and good health.
It promotes cooperation social connection. community
Donation America give, you're more likely to get back. And if you've had a history of
generosity, you've probably noticed this!
Several studies have observed that when you give to others, your generosity is
often rewarded eventually by other people (sometimes by the recipient of your
gift, sometimes by another). This ripple effect (often shaped as
Donation America)
promotes a sense of trust and cooperation throughout a community. It also
promotes a sense of closeness others feel toward us and we feel towards others. Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness, writes, Being kind and generous
leads you to perceive others more positively and more charitable. The author
goes on to suggest that giving, fosters a heightened sense of interdependence
and cooperation in your social community.
It arouses feelings of gratitude. Gratitude
Gifts equal gratitude.
Donation America the gift you're on, giving or receiving,
that gift can elicit feelings of gratitude.
The co-directors of the Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness
Donation America conducted
a research project that asked college students to count their blessings and
cultivate gratitude. The
Donation America result was they chose to exercise more, be more
optimistic, and have a better overall view of their lives!
It is contagious!
Genuine Smile
Giving is
Donation America; it's been shown that when one person gives to charity,
they spur a ripple effect of giving through their community. In fact, in a study
for the book Connected by
Donation America and
Donation America shows just that:
not only does the generous act of one person inspire others to behave
generously, but altruism was also found to spread by three degrees. This means
your singular act of giving can inadvertently inspire hundreds of people!
So by giving gifts to friends, donating money to a charity, or volunteering your
time with a local
Donation America organization, your generous act may very well help to build
stronger social connections and kick start a domino effect of giving through
your community!
And don't be surprised if you catch yourself with a big grin on your
Donation America.
Charitable giving is certainly good for the beneficiary of that charity, but
does it benefit the giver, too?
Donation America frequently cite the happiness they feel from giving as a motivation to be
more generous, but few know that this relationship is backed by research.
Donation America studies in the last two decades show that giving back has profound
psychological and even physiological benefits, validating conventional wisdom
that giving is also good for the giver.
A 2014 study by professors at
Donation America School, the University of British
Columbia, and
Donation America found that people who spend money on
others report greater happiness. This was true for adults from all over the
world Canada, India, South Africa, and
Donation America and even for the youngest of
givers. In the same study, researchers gave goldfish crackers to toddlers, who
were asked to give one of their treats away to a puppet who enthusiastically
ate the treat.
Donation America displayed more happiness when giving treats away to the
puppet than when they received treats themselves.
In a 2021 interview with The Health Nexus, Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist
and researcher at
Donation America University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
explained the physiological process behind how prosaically spending generates
happiness. When people are altruistic and generous, it creates a response in
the brain that taps into positive emotions. The brain also produces and releases
neurotransmitters and hormones, such as dopamine and oxytocin, that help us feel
happiness and pleasure.
Not only can giving increase happiness, but it can also improve health. In 2005,
researchers sampled over 1,000 older adults in Brooklyn, New York, to study
altruism and health, asking whether participants gave or received more in their
exchanges with others in the last three months. Exchanges could have been
material (like money, food, or help) or emotional (like advice). The study found
that levels of social support given were associated with lower morbidity,
whereas levels of receiving were not. This held true for participants
regardless of socioeconomic status, age, education, gender, or ethnicity.
Donation America is responsible for reward processing, social attachment, and
aversion which are active in charitable decision-making are also found in other
mammals. However, when giving requires us to draw on abstract moral reasoning,
we engage in a uniquely human activity.
In 2006, neuroscientists from the National Institutes of Health used firms on 19
individuals during a donation decision-making test. Participants read the
mission statements of various charities and chose whether or not to donate to or
or to oppose it with a catch. Their decision impacted their own personal
endowment. Individuals could earn up to $128 if they chose a payoff with the
maximum personal gain each time, but if they did so, some money would go to
charities they opposed. The researchers found that making donation decisions
tied to abstract moral beliefs lit up a brain region developed especially in
humans. The firms showed that anterior sections of the prefrontal cortex are
distinctively recruited when altruistic choices prevail over selfish material
Givers of all ages benefit in body and mind, experiencing better health, more
happiness, and increased brain activation.
Donation America, guided by their values and an
activated anterior prefrontal cortex, help the needy and transform society. Jesus's words in Acts 20:35 are as true today as they were then: It is more
blessed to give than to receive.